Invalid Login message
·Use "Forgot your password?" to submit your email address for password reset. If you do not receive an email with reset instructions, Contact Us.

Lookups: No assets appear in the list

·Confirm the appropriate selection has been made for "Asset Type."

·If the "Asset Type" is correct and still no assets appear, contact QTD Systems.

Receive a portal comment notification, but the comment doesn't appear?

·You're quick on the draw! Portal Comments added by QTD Systems can take up to 5 minutes to appear in the portal record.

I submitted a portal request, but I don't see it in the list of Service Orders.

·Confirm that you are clicking the Submit button on the bottom of the Service Order request.  When a Service Order is successfully submitted, you'll receive a banner notification and an email.

I need to grant or remove Portal Access for other Users in my organization. How do I become a Portal Admin?

· Contact Us to request Portal Admin privileges.

I’m a Portal Admin and I need to remove a User from the Portal because they are no longer with my organization.

· Contact Us to request User deactivation.

I'm a Portal Admin. How do I assign permissions to other portal users in my Account?

·Watch the video here.

How do I submit an access request?

·Watch the video here.